Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Passports are in and so are the pictures of our new home

So some things are moving slow while there seems to not be enough time in the day to work on other things. As you can imagine there is a lot of little things that need to happen in order for progress can be made with the bigger things. I am sure using the word 'things' a lot; probably because that word can cover a plethora of... things.
Anyway, we need to sell the house; which means we need to prepare it for showing. That means there are a lot of little things, projects, that need to be accomplished before we can even list it. While trying to accomplish these projects there is still the daily things that need to be completed as well; such as the laundry, meals, errands, schooling and so forth. Never enough time, or energy, for Wade or myself. I am really hoping we can find it in us to complete these projects before he has to leave... which we still don't have a departure date because we are still waiting on his VISA to be processed.

Some good news is that we ALL have our passports and necessary legal documents ready to go. Our Australian health insurance is active; and so is my brain (and emotions) now that we have received pictures and a printed layout of our new home in Middlemount. It will certainly be an adjustment downsizing from our current home to the new one.
                                       (A Photo of our Soon to be New Home in Australia)
We have decided that it would be best to send our things as soon as possible so that there will be less waiting on our belongings once we have arrived. We have been given the estimated arrival of our sea-can to be any where from 6 to 12 weeks from the time it is loaded on the ship to the arrival at our home. That is a LONG time to be without. To try to make the transition easier we will 'camp' out here until June in hopes that our stuff will be there waiting or arrive very soon after we do. We have already had a moving survey completed over the phone (lazy company) by one company, and have a different one coming out on the 3rd of March to assess our belongings and give us a quote. In the meantime I am working like mad to get rid of the things we are taking with us... still have a lot to do!

Till the next something happens.....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's really happening! Preparations have begun...

This is our first entry in our new blog. This blog will feature everything from preparing for our big move across countries to sharing our every day life as a homeschooling family; as well as my own, personal thoughts, feelings, struggles and triumphs of it all.

My husband Wade is a mechanical engineer who has landed a job that has begun an amazing adventure for our family. We are moving from southern Alberta, Canada to just 3 hours away from the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia.

We are leaving behind a wonderful family and some good friends, but know that this is a dream worth pursuing and a chance of a lifetime... so I/we are going to do our best to keep up with this blog to share our experience with our family, friends and anyone else interested in tagging along.