Thursday, March 31, 2011

His 'VISA' is in, the plane is fueled... say bye-bye to Daddy

About 3-4 weeks ago we received word that Wade's 457 Visa was approved; and so flights were booked, notices to work were given and taxes were filed.

Today, March 31, Wade packs up his bags, loads up his truck and heads to catch a plane that will take him to his next plane that will take him to his new country. It is a sort of gloomy day as we all prepare for him to leave. Wade worked hard to have the house in selling condition so all I have to do is sell it now... He has recorded story books for each of the children so he can read them bedtime stories and set up skype so we can have 'face to face' talks with him, but as Alex easily pointed out last night "It's not the same". We will miss him greatly.
(He hasn't left yet but I already miss him so much!)