Saturday, March 17, 2012

Back into The Swing of Things

First day of football had free face painting - when asked what he is going to be when he grows up
Jonathan will say "a cheetah!" Ah, his dreams came true... and at such an early age too!
Well, the school season has resumed here, so activities are back in full swing; and so are we. We schooled all through, but didn't have a whole lot else we could do because the horses were on summer break, kids club was on summer break... basically everything shuts down here over the summer holidays.

Even Maileigh and Jonboy have 'school.'
 We spent a lot of that time at the pool, but not doing a whole lot else. Now though... we've just finished up football (not what your thinking... remember here football means soccer). 
I was granted the opportunity to be the official photographer for the soccer teams .
Yes, I've reopened my photography business - but only part time.
Only Zed and Alex participated in the full sessions, as they were paying customers; Jonboy had interest until he was told he would have to do what the coaches told him to do. He decided the one man team, which included just him, was the best team for him to be on. He did always enjoy getting on his soccer shoes and all though... to bad he didn't want to put them to better use. Oh well, maybe next time!
Pastor Allan puts on these lessons for free. He is a wonderful
person, and a fantastic instructor... in the horse field and gospel field. 
Along with soccer there has been horse riding. We have all been very excited about continuing our (free) lessons put on in Capella; a town about an hour away. We make that day a gym day; in the morning we do some book work/lessons, then we head to Capella pool where we eat lunch, swim the afternoon away, then  head on over to the arena for horses from 3pm to about 6pm.

I won't load up the picture but I received a pretty nasty bruise from busting a vein when I was learning to ride (canter) without using any stirrups... you want an inner-thigh workout? Try that one! Not to mention you will feel it all over simply because you are trying so hard to stay sitting up and back, while trying to keep your legs secure so you don't bounce off to the side. I am sure I was quite a sight!!
Our Ladybug Love Girl!
Incase you were wondering Australia does celebrate Valentines Day. We did make up some Valentines and sent them out and about. Sorry if you didn't receive one, but the kids can only make so many, and with the cost of post... well lets just say we were thinking of every one!
Please accept this belated Valentine on behalf of everyone!
Jonathan is making the 'I Love You' sign in sign language.
The kids decorating cookies for Valentines Day.
We did venture out to Clermont (a couple hours away) to our friends place to spend a weekend there celebrating the Valentines holiday.

It was sure a great weekend. The weather was beautiful and the few days we spent there were wonderful.

Making and chasing bubbles.

The kids tried out scouts, played games and just had a great time hanging out with their friends that used to homeschool with us, but no longer do. Friends are very far and hard to find around here...
so we do what we can to keep up with the couple we do have.

Now that soccer/football is over, the boys have begun dance. Jonathan is in 'kindy gym,' which is gymnastics for little ones; Zedikiah and Alexander have begun jr. hip-hop dance. They have only been once, but I am sure they will enjoy it as time goes on.
Jonathan is all about the outfits for dance!
Just joking
We only let him wear this around the house.
This was mine when I was little. Ah to see your
children wear the clothes you grew up wearing....
 They are the ones who pushed to go back into dance, and so we have agreed. Kids here are parented very differently then how we are used to doing it, so the boys are having a bit of a time getting used to the unruliness of their class mates. (I am glad though, that they only spend 45 minutes a week with these other children!)

Jonboy's first day of kindy gym.

I know it seems like a LONG time since I last posted anything, an in truth it has been several weeks (or so); and I am sorry for that.  I will try to be more diligent about updating and posting pictures. We miss our family and friends a lot.  Know that we think of you often.
Introducing the beautiful Miss Maileigh! 
There is always plenty more to tell, but never enough time to talk about it all. We are coming into the fall season now, so the weather isn't as nice. Lots of cloudy days, rainy days and just chilly enough we can't go swimming days. We do spend a lot of our time at the footy fields (soccer fields) perfecting our very imperfect throw of the boomerangs. We sure have a lot of fun! There have been a few times I have had to let out a shriek whilst I dove out of the way from an unexpectedly good throw in which the boomerang really did return! J.B. (the dog) has had a few close calls from the boomerang coming back when we didn't expect it to too. She seems to be enjoying her time with us, we certainly enjoy her. Wished she knew how to play fetch though... she smart but... not always that fun. She stick with you wherever you go, so if you want that stick or ball back, you'd better get it yourself! Maybe she's just smarter than we all realize?!
Well, the house isn't going to vacuum itself. Until next time every body!