Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Easter & A Happy Birthday!

I wrote this entry a little bit back... but was too busy to add the photos in until now. Next entry will be when I have the details... (you'll see what I mean!)

So again, there is not a whole lot to say right now. The Anniversary of Christ being resurrected was celebrated, and not to put me in the same standing as Him... so has the anniversary of my birth; so it was a "Happy Easter" and a "Happy Birthday" on the same day this year.

While we didn't actually have an "easter hunt" the kids (and Wade) did make me play a game of "hot/cold" to find the presents they had been keeping a secret from me. I am a very spoiled mommy/wife!!
Wade is home for the Easter holidays (yes, they celebrate easter in Australia) and then he is home for a spell while his parents visit us again, come the end of the week.  While he has been home we have spent some time just being together as a family.

We gave the kids (the coveted) "ripstick" to share as an Easter present, and the younger children also received a fun riding toy to share... a pumper truck!
Over the past few days there has been a lot of fun (and screaming over turns) ;) with these two toys. We have gone swimming, went to a church service, and spent some time in the city, as went to a new skate park in another town for a while. It has been fairly quiet, as it always is in this town over the holidays, so we have just been enjoying the beautiful weather and preparing... for what you ask? Well, I dare not say at this time - don't want to jinx it!
 You will just have to wait until we get final confirmation on it all - think what you'd like, but don't be sure that you know. (It isn't always the obvious you know!)

While we have made a habit of spending a lot of our time away from Middlemount, we have found a few special places to be within the town itself. One of which is an actual mountain amidst these lowly plains... it is known as The Blue Mountain; and it has a beautiful view. Below are some pictures of one of our days we recently spent exploring the top of it.

Talk to all very soon!!

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